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Responsible Investment Policy

P Capital Partners (“PCP” or “the Funds”) is an investment manager that invests in loans and bonds through multiple investment vehicles, each with their specific investment objectives.

PCP’s purpose is to provide mid-sized companies with funding to enable them to realize their potential and takes a holistic view of sustainability as a prerequisite for companies to be able to deliver long-term returns. In addition, PCP is committed to steering capital towards business that deliver not only strong financial returns but also meaningful societal benefits, aligning profitability with purpose. Incorporating sustainability aspects in the investment process as an active credit investor and debt provider supports the Funds’ overall goals and the joint interests of its investors.

PCP has adopted this “Responsible Investment Policy” (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) to disclose how it integrates environmental, social, and

governance (“ESG”) risks, Principal Adverse Impacts (“PAI”), Good Governance and Sustainable Investments in its investment decision-making process and strategies. This document comprises PCP’s Responsible Investment Policy and detailed instructions (“the Instructions”) to guide the Investment Team on a day-to-day basis (See Appendix A). It is supported by PCP’s proprietary ESG Due Diligence Tool (“the Tool”) which serves to operationalize the Policy and Instructions and the PCP Code of Business Conduct and Ethics which sets out our core values and general ethical principles that we apply in the course of our business.

Download the Responsible Investment Policy here